Logi-Serve worked with the Iberian subsidiary of an American automobile manufacturer to improve how they identify and develop their Service Advisors in an effort to improve customer loyalty. Advisors scoring high on the Logi-Serve assessment had much higher odds of scoring highly on their in-house customer service metrics.
CustomerMSXI offers a best-in-class People@Retail training program specialized for automotive retail dealerships designed to improve employee performance in key service and sales roles. Logi-Serve worked closely with MSXI and the OEM to improve service associated with sales-related positions in retail dealers in Spain and Portugal.
ChallengeAs part of a broad effort to improve customer loyalty and increase revenues, our client sought to improve how they identify and develop candidates for their Service Advisor role.
SolutionLogi-Serve implemented our Service and Sales Assessment and created a customized benchmark using the competency profiles of the client’s top-performing incumbent employees. This benchmark identified those who had the skillsets and capabilities necessary to provide superior customer service.
ResultsThe client focused on two specific metrics associated with their own in-house customer “Experience Index”: Overall Service and a Net Promoter Score-type measure. The findings were clear and consistent that Advisors who scored higher on the Logi-Serve assessment achieved significantly higher customer ratings on these two dimensions. Specifically, High LS scorers had 70% higher odds than Low LS scorers of earning high customer ratings on the “Service in General” dimension of the Experience Index. Similarly, High LS scorers also had 81% higher odds than Low LS scorers of earning high customer ratings on the NPS-like dimension.