Success in the luxury retail business requires the right kind of salesperson who can provide clients with an exceptional, personalized experience, yet also sell aspirational value. Logi-Serve helped a multi-generational, family-owned, luxury jewelry chain identify this kind of higher-performing Sales Associate.
CustomerA multi-generational, family-owned, luxury jewelry chain known for their unparalleled service and emphasis on developing long-term relationships with their customers.
ChallengeTo improve the sales productivity of its Sales Consultant workforce, increasing revenue, while maintaining their reputation for service excellence.
SolutionLogi-Serve implemented our Service and Sales Assessment, along with a customized benchmark generated from the competency profiles of high-performing Sales Consultants.
ResultsSales Consultants scoring high on the Logi-Serve assessment outsold the low-scoring Consultants by 23%, producing incremental annual revenue of over $110,000 per Consultant.